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Welcome to the place where I document the world as I see it - drawn with light and colored with words.

I'm Kopal, a photographer from Delhi, India.

​My mission: inspire change for social and climate justice.

Self portrait of a female travel documentary photographer from delhi wearing glasses and a red shirt and tattoo smiling - Travellurking

My Journey

I have always been driven by art, in all its forms, having been surrounded by it growing up.

The journey began when, at 16, I decided that photography was what I wanted to do and my parents bought me my first camera.


I gave my all to learn how to use it; from studying the manual, watching tutorials, learning from friends to experimenting and practicing. I did not take any formal training in photography.

I believe that dedication and determination can help you learn anything you want.

By the time I got out of school, I was prepared to build a promising portfolio to be a professional photographer. I studied Journalism and Mass Communication at Kamala Nehru College, Delhi University. Even during college, I kept a sharp focus on photography, exploring Delhi to curate my portfolio. (Hit me up if you visit Delhi next time!)

I was an integral part of the college photography society and the journalism department council. I used my position as the Photography Head to impart my knowledge to others. It also gave me a lot of opportunities to participate in exhibitions and competitions across the city.


Simultaneously, I developed other skills like writing, social media, and digital marketing.

I believed I needed to go beyond the curriculum to truly learn and grow. So, I interned for travel companies to understand the industry and hone my writing skills.

Fast forward to graduation day, I had successfully authored an A-graded dissertation, had my portfolio, and a job.

During my brief full-time journey, I worked as a Content Manager who headed the marketing department of startups to build their online presence using and further developing my writing and marketing skills.

In 2019, I formally set up Travellurking and now I work as a freelance photographer.

But I believe in doing things with purpose and meaning. I integrated that into what my art and whatever I do.


It is my mission to inspire change for social and climate justice - for a better world.
I want to leave this planet better than I found it. This is my higher purpose in life.


To support my passion projects, I help people and brands create images that bring out the best in them to sell better. Find my commercial photography work here.

*As an effort to give back, 5.5% of all profits earned on each project is donated to charities and fundraisers pertaining to various social and climate issues.*

On this journey to revolution, walk with me?

Don't be a stranger.

Let's be friends on Instagram!

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